
DeAngelo Burse


"Perhaps no single phenomenon reflects the positive potential of human nature as much as intrinsic motivation, the inherent tendency to seek out novelty and challenges, to extend and exercise one's capacities, to explore, and to learn."—Edward Deci, PhD.

DeAngelo Burse is not a stranger to humble beginnings. He grew up in an impoverished urban context in a community of low socioeconomic status. With a burden to become greater, at age 19, DeAngelo moved to Nashville to study music business at Middle Tennessee State University. Over a 10-year span in Nashville, DeAngelo’s thinking began to expand, and he discovered his passion for philosophy, which motivated him to move to Charlotte, North Carolina to pursue academic training. After arriving in Charlotte in 2008, DeAngelo’s entrepreneurial pursuits began to take shape only 3 years later.

DeAngelo has held professional careers in insurance, healthcare, management, sales, and fitness. Motivated by the rewards of creating something that did not previously exist, DeAngelo started his first company called Fit Life Solutions in 2011 with a team of investors. Shortly after, DeAngelo was involved with a wellness technology startup that was spun out of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. In addition, through Fit Life Solutions, DeAngelo was one of the first to pilot the corporate wellness platform and wearable solutions created by the technology company, Jawbone. DeAngelo strategically formed international partnerships around corporate wellness with the goal to become a world-class provider. With the ability to manage multiple ventures, DeAngelo was previously a co-owner of the franchise TITLE Boxing Club Charlotte before the company was acquired in 2018.

Through Driven Life Consulting, DeAngelo works with companies to optimize the development of managers through personal and leadership growth. With a natural capacity to lead, he is a certified leadership trainer and speaker affiliated with The John Maxwell Team. DeAngelo has an educational background in philosophy and a master’s in social psychology from Walden University. Additionally, DeAngelo has certifications in Positive Psychology from both the University of Pennsylvania and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is an active member of the International Positive Psychology Association, and his interests span around social psychological concepts such as emotional and social intelligence, achievement motivation, intergroup relations, and social influence. DeAngelo’s life calling is to develop better people who treat people better, and he believes that he can accomplish his purpose through leadership, personal, and interpersonal development of people. In DeAngelo’s own words, “Whether in the workplace or everyday life, people are of the highest intrinsic value—that when cultivated properly yields a perpetual, relational return on investment secured with purpose and meaning.”

For this purpose, DeAngelo founded Breakroom Huddle, which is a proprietary corporate training solution that focuses on enhancing the corporate work culture beginning with new hires and expanding across the entire workplace. Through Breakroom Huddle, organizations can hire better candidates and integrate employees into a predefined culture that affirms personal and interpersonal growth. As Jim Rohn states “Success is something you attract by the person you become.” DeAngelo’s efforts help organizations become more successful by helping their employees become better people. As a relationship strategist, many will affirm that DeAngelo is differentiated through his experience in entrepreneurship, leadership training by the John Maxwell organization, background in philosophy, and his understanding of social psychological concepts. As a corporate trainer and motivational speaker, DeAngelo has a passion to help people positively change the way they experience the world.
